
The Integration Advantage: Expanding Pipedrive's Functionality with Powerful Tools

So you’ve been using Pipedrive for a while now. You’ve probably integrated your email and calendar, and might even have set up a few automations to help streamline your daily tasks. But did you know that Pipedrive’s true potential lies in its ability to integrate with a vast array of powerful tools? Tools like JustCall, PandaDoc, and Surfe can transform your sales process, boost efficiency, and drive growth.

Imagine seamlessly moving a hot lead from your email inbox to Pipedrive, automatically triggering a personalised email campaign while simultaneously updating the deal stage. Or picture this: collaborating on a complex deal with your team using a project management tool, directly within Pipedrive, ensuring everyone stays aligned and informed. And what about generating in-depth sales reports with just a few clicks, based on data from multiple tools? This is the power of advanced integrations.

Project Management: Aligning Sales and Delivery

You probably already use a project management tool like or Trello to keep your team organised. But if you’re using them in isolation, you’re missing out on a big opportunity. Integrating or Trello with Pipedrive can revolutionise the way you manage deals and projects.

By connecting these tools, you can:

  • Create and assign tasks directly from Pipedrive deals
  • Track project progress within Pipedrive
  • Enhance collaboration
  • Automate workflows

With or Trello integrated into Pipedrive, you’ll spend less time switching between tools and more time closing deals.

Sales Communication: Enhancing Customer Interactions

Phone calls & SMS are a cornerstone of sales success. They provide an opportunity to build rapport, address concerns, and ultimately close deals. However, managing these calls & SMS effectively can be challenging. Manually logging notes, searching for call recordings, and ensuring follow-ups can be time-consuming and error-prone.

JustCall integrated with Pipedrive streamlines this process, transforming your sales communication. By connecting these powerful tools, you can:

  • Automate call logging 
  • Send SMS and use SMS templates
  • Access call recordings instantly
  • Enhance sales coaching
  • Streamline workflows

By optimising your sales communication with JustCall and Pipedrive, you can focus on building relationships and closing deals, rather than managing paperwork.

You might also like: Don’t get stuck in the past: Why JustCall is more than your average phone system

Document Management: Streamlining Proposals and Contracts

Especially for industries like finance, real estate, and brokering, paper trails are essential for compliance and legal purposes. Managing these processes can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

PandaDoc integrates with Pipedrive to offer an elegant solution to document management woes. By combining the power of digital document creation and management with your CRM, you can streamline your document workflows and ensure compliance. With this integration, you can:

  • Create professional proposals and contracts
  • Automate document generation
  • Track document progress
  • Manage electronic signatures
  • Maintain a centralised document repository

By digitising your document management processes with PandaDoc and Pipedrive, you can improve efficiency, enhance collaboration, and reduce the risk of errors.

Lead Nurturing: Building Strong Relationships

Nurturing leads is essential for building strong relationships and driving conversions — particularly in today’s competitive market. However, manually managing lead nurturing campaigns can be time-consuming and inefficient. This is where Surfe comes in.

By integrating Surfe with Pipedrive, you can automate lead nurturing and personalise the customer journey. Here’s how:

  • Segment your leads
  • Create personalised email campaigns
  • Track lead behaviour
  • Score leads based on engagement
  • Integrate with social media

With Surfe and Pipedrive working together, you can deliver a seamless and personalised experience that converts leads into loyal customers.

Motii: Your Integration Experts

Many businesses rely on a combination of tools to operate efficiently. While Pipedrive is a powerful CRM, it's unlikely to integrate with every software solution out there. This is where Motii can help.

Our team is highly skilled in leveraging platforms like Zapier and Make to create custom integrations that meet your specific needs. Whether it's syncing data between your accounting software and Pipedrive or automating lead qualification processes, we can find a solution.


By harnessing the power of integrations, you can transform Pipedrive from a simple CRM into a dynamic, centralised hub for your entire sales operation. From lead nurturing to project management, sales communication to document management, the right integrations can significantly enhance your team’s efficiency and productivity.

At Motii, we're integration experts. Whether you're looking to leverage existing integrations, explore tools like Zapier or Make, or require a custom solution, we can help you build a Pipedrive environment that perfectly suits your business.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your Pipedrive CRM? Book a free consultation with our integration specialists today.

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Ben Fuller

Co-founder at Motii

Serial successful start-up Founder, and former C-level executive, Ben understands that data and systems are what makes everything tick.

Latest updates

The Integration Advantage: Expanding Pipedrive's Functionality with Powerful Tools

By harnessing the power of integrations, you can transform Pipedrive from a simple CRM into a dynamic, centralised hub for your entire sales operation. From lead nurturing to project management, sales communication to document management, the right integrations can significantly enhance your team’s efficiency and productivity.

Ben Fuller

Co-founder at Motii

The Monthly Multiplier: Upgrading Your Pipedrive Experience in 2 Powerful Ways

Pipedrive is a powerful CRM, but as your business scales, its basic functionalities might not be enough. The question isn't whether to ditch Pipedrive altogether, but how to unlock its full potential and avoid the Frankenstein monster of cobbled-together sales solutions.

Ben Fuller

Co-founder at Motii